Thursday, June 21, 2012

How to be a Victorious Christian

It has been very busy in my life lately, and I haven't had much time to blog.  Last week, we had revival meetings at Tabernacle Baptist Church, and it was a blessing to hear Bro. John VanGelderen preach God's Word.

He preached 3 phenomenal messages on "Life" that were for me, life-changing.  If you have the time, I would strongly encourage you to follow this link to the church website and listen to the messages.  The first one is "The Christ Life", followed by "The Overcoming Life", and ending with "The Overflowing Life."  Allow God to speak to your heart through these messages and live a victorious Christian life through Christ!!

Revival Messages

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Good Afternoon, blogger friends!!  I had the privilege of hearing this preacher when I went on a missions trip in 2010. Pastor David Teis is doing a great work at Liberty Baptist Church in Las Vegas, NV. This message, "Love Them Like Jesus" truly was a great blessing and challenge to me. I encourage you to listen to it, as well.