Sunday, September 9, 2012

Gabon, Africa

Below is a copy of the most recent missionary update that my husband and I sent out.  Please pray for us, and if you would like to receive our updates, email us at ""  We will be happy to add you to our mailing list!

Dear praying friends,

Only 7 more months until we plan to leave for Gabon, Africa on our survey trip!!  We praise the Lord for His abundant provision, and for giving us safety as we travel to churches presenting our ministry.

In August, we were with Pastor Mark Passmore at Abundant Life Baptist Church of Naugatuck, CT.  This is a growing church, and it was exciting to see the people's heart for God.  Just this past weekend, we traveled a short distance to Victory Baptist Church of Linden, PA.  I, Bruce, preached in both the AM and PM services, and although we did not show our DVD presentation, I was able to give a brief testimony of our burden for Gabon.  Lord willing, we have been asked to go back and show our presentation on October 21st.  We are also scheduled to be with Pastor Jim Townsley and the folks at Central Baptist Church in Southington, CT on September 30th.

We currently have about 1/10 of our estimated funds needed to take this trip.  God has been very gracious to us in supplying this need.  In November, we will be sending out letters from the mission board, which will give more details about the trip and what funds are needed.

Thank you for your prayers and support.  Please take a moment to read the praises and prayer requests on the bottom of this letter.  May God bless you.

For His Glory,
Bruce & Amanda Stuart
Psalm 119:172

-Wonderful meetings in 3 churches this summer!
-Meetings scheduled for the Fall!
-1/10 of estimated support raised already!

-That we would be able to schedule more meetings for the Fall and Winter
-For safety in travel and for no car trouble (our vehicles are starting to show their age :)
-That churches would partner with us, prayerfully and financially