Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Why Me? (A beginning to a study of I Corinthians)

The book of I Corinthians is one of my favorite books in the Bible!  Over the next several weeks, I hope to share several posts based on my studies of this book.  It is my prayer that these truths will be as much a blessing to you, as they are to me.

I Corinthians is a very relevant book for this day and age in which we live.  In John Phillips commentary, Exploring I Corinthians, he compares the wicked city of Corinth with Vanity Fair in Pilgrims Progress. Allow me to quote from Mr. Phillips preface: "It was no small thing to be a Christian at Corinth, to spurn its ways and its wares, to live there unspotted from the world.  Christianity is in no peril from the Corinths and Vanity Fairs of this world, however, just so long as it stays true to its call....It is not the water outside a ship that sinks it. A ship is designed for deep waters. It is the water that gets in that imperils a ship. That was what imperiled the Christians at Corinth. The world had come into the church."  I believe that Christians have ALLOWED the world into the church. Slowly, we compromise our beliefs.  We give up our morals. It is not easy to stand strong, to fight for what we know is right.  Our spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.  I struggle everyday with my flesh, and if you're honest, you will admit you struggle as well.  In I Corinthians, the apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, writes and exhorts us how to live righteously.

Today I want to focus on the last part of chapter 1.  Let us examine: Who is called, Why are we called, and for What purpose are we called?

"For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presence. But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord." - I Cor. 1: 26-31

1.  Who Is Called?
The Bible states that not many wise, mighty, or noble are called to serve Him.  Rather it is often "the weak things", "the base things", and "things which are despised", that are called to serve the King of Kings. In the book of Judges, there are many examples of this.  God used David, a shepherd boy, to defeat the giant Goliath. D.L. Moody was an uneducated salesman, and William Carey was a cobbler.

2.  Why are we called?
God calls the simple people so that "no flesh should glory in his presence."  God does not want us to glory in ourselves.  He desires that glory for Himself, and rightly so, after all, He it is that created us.  He gives us the breath to live each and every day, the strength to carry out our daily tasks.  Everything we have and are is because of Him.

3.  What is our purpose for being called?
Our purpose stated very simply is to bring God glory. How can we accomplish this?  We bring God glory when we: live holy, separated lives.  We bring Him glory when we tell the lost about the Savior.  God "Is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come unto repentance." II Peter 3:9

And so we see the Who, Why, and What of our calling.  It is an awesome privilege to be called to serve God Almighty!  I am not worthy to go and serve God in Gabon, Africa.  Yet God has called me and I have answered that call.  I accept the responsibility humbly.  Ultimately, anything done for God in Gabon will be by His enablement and for His glory.  It would be a tragic thing to take the credit for ourselves.  We know how weak our flesh is, and how much we need God's grace every day.

Let us resolve to accept God's calling for God's glory!!  Let us live in this world for a time, but let us not allow the world to be in us.  "Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it." I Thess. 5:24

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Update on Survey Trip to Gabon

Below is our March Missionary Update...

Dear Praying Friends and Family,
Our last month and a half has been some of our most challenging to date, but God was faithfully growing our faith every step of the way.  We talked with Brother David Bennett on Saturday, February 16th to discuss our March calendar with him and to ask his advice concerning our funds as we were only 12% of the way to our goal.  We prayed and believed, though at the time it seemed bleak, that the LORD would provide the funds necessary.
            On Sunday, February 17th, we were privileged to share our presentation with our home church, Tabernacle Baptist of Williamsport, Pennsylvania.  An offering was taken before the DVD was shown or the message preached.  Miraculously, we raised more than half our goal that night.  On the following Monday, we received an email from the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church in Gabon, and they were willing to allow us the use of their missions home for less than half of what we were budgeting to stay in a hotel.  Praise the LORD! Through all these things, our faith was rekindled and we are eager to keep pressing on.
We had the opportunity to attend our first Mission’s Conference at Harvest Baptist Church in New Hartford, Connecticut.  Brother Hornbeck (missionary to the military) and Brother Asterillo (National missionary to the Philippines) were also there presenting their works. The theme was on “Giving that Fruit may Abound to Your Account” out of Philippians 4:10-20.  We were able to go on Pastor Shott’s famous New England Baptist History tour and even stood at the sight of the famous Haystack prayer meeting, the birthplace of American Foreign missions.
The following week, we traveled to Gospel Light Baptist Church in Kearny, New Jersey.  It was great to be near/in the melting pot of America.  I was able to see NYC for the first time, but also met many brothers and sisters-in-Christ for the first time and enjoyed our fellowship far more than the sight-seeing. 
So in retrospect, God has raised our support level from 12% to 100% in under three weeks!  We also were able to obtain a good camera with accessories for only a quarter of the camera’s original price!  This will be very beneficial to us in taking quality pictures for our deputation DVD.  God is providing for us in His timing and it has been a test and a blessing all along the way.  Praise His Name!
PRAYER REQUEST: Brother David Bennett recently had surgery for the second time within a few months period.  He is facing complications and there is the possibility that our trip dates of April 2-23 may be postponed.  Please pray for Bro. Bennett’s healing, and for God’s will to be done regarding the timing of our survey trip.  Pray also that we would have patience and that through all this we would grow to be more like Christ.
Thank you for all your prayers and support.  Please feel free to email us with any prayer requests/praises that you may have.  We would love to hear how God is working in your lives and ministry.

For His Glory,
Bruce and Amanda Stuart