Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Personal Testimony

Since my husband and I got married in January, I have been searching for a job.  Finally, just a few weeks ago, my search ended!  I was first offered a job at McDonald's, which I accepted, but after just one week of working there, I was offered a better job.  Our landlord owns a gas station/market, and he graciously gave me a position there.  I am now in my second week of working there, and thoroughly enjoy it. 

There are many things that I could question, such as, "Why did it take almost 6 months to acquire a job?"  I also had become quite accustomed to being a stay at home wife, and it was a little difficult to adjust to an outside work schedule again.  I definitely look forward to the day when I can once again be a stay at home wife (and hopefully mother ;), but know this is God's will for the time being.

I don't often share too many details about my life publicly, but I hope this will encourage someone who may be struggling out there.  You see, my husband and I have a great burden to reach the Deaf of Gabon, Africa with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and we would love to be there even right now.  Yet God's plan and timing are perfect, and sometimes we must simply wait and trust Him.  Sometimes, we must do things that are not necessarily in our plan, but things that are a part of His plan.  To be a missionary or pastor's wife is certainly a great honor, responsibility, and calling.  However, we cannot jump ahead of God's plan.  I would love to be on the mission field right now, discipling ladies, teaching children, helping my husband in the ministry, but I cannot get ahead of God's plan and miss the blessings of today.  Here, God is surely training me for future ministry and I must be patient and serve Him wholeheartedly in my present position.

And so I encourage you, don't get ahead of God.  Open your eyes to the opportunities around you, (lost souls are everywhere), and live your life for God today.  As you obey Him, He will open doors in His timing, and lead you in His perfect will.  Give up your desires, your goals, and ambitions, and say, "Here am I, Lord, send me. Wherever You lead, I'll follow."  Lastly, as you follow God and experience His blessing, be sure to give Him ALL the glory.  We take the time to bring our requests for help and guidance to God, but how often do we then take the credit for things accomplished, instead of giving it to the One who allowed us to accomplish the tasks.

"Because He is, I am; because He will, I can;
All my hope is standing on His promises;
Because He gave, I give; because He died, I live;
I am, I am, because He is."

*If you have any prayer requests you would like to share, I would love to pray for you!!

Because of Him,