Monday, April 29, 2013

Upcoming trip to Gabon & Cameroon

Our Survey Trip Dates: 

May 9-31, 2013

Broad Itinerary:

May 9 - leave for Africa

May 10 - arrive in Libreville, Gabon

(Survey and gather information)

May 23 - go to Cameroon
(Visiting Baptist missionaries there who are also burdened to start churches in Gabon)!

May 31 - return home

Please pray for our trip!  Pray that God would give us great wisdom, that we would be a blessing to all we come in contact with, and that we would gain a greater burden for the work God has called us to do.


  1. I tagged you in this post-

    Check it out, and let me know if you participate!

  2. Mr. Finnell,
    If you are right, then Jesus lied to the thief on the cross!
