Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Welcome to my blog!

My name is Amanda Stuart and I am a newlywed living with my husband in Williamsport, PA.  It is a beautiful area that we live in, a mix of country and city life all together in one town.  The Lord has blessed my husband and I with a great apartment and good neighbors.  Since our wedding on January 13, 2012, I have been working to put our home in order, and going through all the fun processes of changing my name.  Now, as life has started to settle into a routine for us, I have been doing a lot of thinking and felt led to set up this blog.

"To God Be All The Glory," is intended to encourage the reader and to give ALL glory to the Savior.  I feel that God is so often overlooked in our daily lives and activities.  On the Internet, many worldly things are constantly being promoted and brought up before our attention.  Sports, Entertainment, and Politics are given the spotlight.  It is my desire to use this blog to bring attention and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ, and to encourage and challenge others to do the same.

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