Friday, March 23, 2012

The Call of God

Every Christian should follow the call of God in their life.  God has a special plan and purpose for every human being.  Everyone is different, some feel called to be preachers, some evangelists, some missionaries, and some simply laymen.  Each one of these is special and unique.  None are better than the others, and all should have the same goal, to bring glory to the Lord.
My husband and I feel the Lord's call on our life to be missionaries to the deaf in Gabon, Africa.  Many people ask me, "Where is Gabon?  I have never heard of it before."  Honestly, when I was dating my husband and he told me about Gabon, I had no idea either.  In this blog, I'd like to share some facts about this little country that is slightly small than Colorado.
Gabon is located in Central Africa, bordering the Atlantic Ocean at the Equator, and between the Republic of the Congo and Equatorial Guinea.  The climate is very tropical, and it is always hot and humid (I love that fact).  It's capital is Libreville, a large city comparable to Miami, and also one of the most expensive cities in the world.  The country's population is estimated at around 1,600,000 and the official language is French.  It is probably the most peaceful country in Africa, with a republic government and multiparty presidential regime.
But while Christians make up 55-75% of the country, there has not been found one independent Baptist church there preaching the gospel.  Who will reach the people of Gabon?  With the Lord's help, we plan to go there, win souls to Christ, baptize, and train them.  We will endeavor to establish Gospel-preaching churches and train national pastors to eventually assume responsibility for the churches.  Our main focus will be ministering to the deaf there, but of course we will minister to the hearing as well!
In Matthew 9:37, 38, the Bible says, "Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest."  I am excited to go and serve the Lord in Gabon, and I pray that He will burden more laborers for this needy country.

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