Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My "Love Story"; God's Divine Plan

The story of how God led my husband and I together will be posted on my friend Rebecca's blog in a couple of days.  Be sure to check out this link:
"The Tale of the Four Brides" are the "love stories" of me and three friends of mine.  I ask you to read them as I believe they will be an encouragement and challenge.
It is truly a blessed thing to enjoy a Godly marriage.  It is hard work, but God is good!  By following His Word and leading, marriage is the most wonderful and sacred relationship here on earth.
To God Be All the Glory...He desires it, He deserves it.  Let's give Him the praise in EVERY aspect of our lives!!


  1. I read your story on Butterfly Days. Thank you for sharing it! =)

    1. Your welcome. :) You have a very nice blog.
      I honestly never thought my dream of getting married would come true, but God's ways were/are much higher than mine! It's so wonderful to walk in His will and wait on His timing!
