Sunday, December 16, 2012

Update on Gabon, Africa

Here is a copy of our latest prayer letter:

Dear Praying Friends and Family,

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” – Isaiah 9:6
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!  We want to wish you all a blessed time with your family and friends this Christmas season!  Remember the true meaning of Christmas, that Jesus was born to die to save us from our sins.  What a great reason to celebrate!!

We’ve sent out our mass mailing to raise support for our survey trip.  We are praying that those receiving will be willing to give as God gives them the abundance.

In November, we traveled to Hanover, Pennsylvania to hear Brother David Bennett (Silent Word Ministries International) give a series on the Theology of ‘Sweet’ Persecution.  The messages were challenging and it was enjoyable to meet with fellow believers.  Bruce was also able to interpret 3 of the sessions for a deaf couple who came.

On the home front, Bruce has been blessed to find a supplemental job working at Divine Providence Hospital as a floor janitor.  It is 40 hr/wk and a great work environment! 

Looking ahead, we are excited that our March 2013 schedule has been almost filled up with meetings!  We will be at Harvest Baptist in New Hartford, CT for their Missions Conference in the last week of February to the 3rd of March.  Then it’s off to Gospel Light Baptist with Pastor Matt Swiatkowski on the 9th and 10th, and finally up to Mass. to Adams Square Baptist with Pastor Kris Casey on the 24th.  We also are going to a Missions Conference at Loomis Park Baptist Church in MI the end of April/beginning of May with Pastor Rich Zawadzki.  

Thank you for your prayers and support.  Please continue to pray that we are able to schedule more meetings and represent the Lord well in them.

For His Glory,

Bruce and Amanda Stuart

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Gabon, Africa

Below is a copy of the most recent missionary update that my husband and I sent out.  Please pray for us, and if you would like to receive our updates, email us at ""  We will be happy to add you to our mailing list!

Dear praying friends,

Only 7 more months until we plan to leave for Gabon, Africa on our survey trip!!  We praise the Lord for His abundant provision, and for giving us safety as we travel to churches presenting our ministry.

In August, we were with Pastor Mark Passmore at Abundant Life Baptist Church of Naugatuck, CT.  This is a growing church, and it was exciting to see the people's heart for God.  Just this past weekend, we traveled a short distance to Victory Baptist Church of Linden, PA.  I, Bruce, preached in both the AM and PM services, and although we did not show our DVD presentation, I was able to give a brief testimony of our burden for Gabon.  Lord willing, we have been asked to go back and show our presentation on October 21st.  We are also scheduled to be with Pastor Jim Townsley and the folks at Central Baptist Church in Southington, CT on September 30th.

We currently have about 1/10 of our estimated funds needed to take this trip.  God has been very gracious to us in supplying this need.  In November, we will be sending out letters from the mission board, which will give more details about the trip and what funds are needed.

Thank you for your prayers and support.  Please take a moment to read the praises and prayer requests on the bottom of this letter.  May God bless you.

For His Glory,
Bruce & Amanda Stuart
Psalm 119:172

-Wonderful meetings in 3 churches this summer!
-Meetings scheduled for the Fall!
-1/10 of estimated support raised already!

-That we would be able to schedule more meetings for the Fall and Winter
-For safety in travel and for no car trouble (our vehicles are starting to show their age :)
-That churches would partner with us, prayerfully and financially

Sunday, August 12, 2012

"I Know Whom I Have Believed"

  1. I know not why God’s wondrous grace
    To me He hath made known,
    Nor why, unworthy, Christ in love
    Redeemed me for His own.
    • Refrain:
      But “I know Whom I have believed,
      And am persuaded that He is able
      To keep that which I’ve committed
      Unto Him against that day.”
  2. I know not how this saving faith
    To me He did impart,
    Nor how believing in His Word
    Wrought peace within my heart.
  3. I know not how the Spirit moves,
    Convincing men of sin,
    Revealing Jesus through the Word,
    Creating faith in Him.
  4. I know not what of good or ill
    May be reserved for me,
    Of weary ways or golden days,
    Before His face I see.
  5. I know not when my Lord may come,
    At night or noonday fair,
    Nor if I walk the vale with Him,
    Or meet Him in the air.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Personal Testimony

Since my husband and I got married in January, I have been searching for a job.  Finally, just a few weeks ago, my search ended!  I was first offered a job at McDonald's, which I accepted, but after just one week of working there, I was offered a better job.  Our landlord owns a gas station/market, and he graciously gave me a position there.  I am now in my second week of working there, and thoroughly enjoy it. 

There are many things that I could question, such as, "Why did it take almost 6 months to acquire a job?"  I also had become quite accustomed to being a stay at home wife, and it was a little difficult to adjust to an outside work schedule again.  I definitely look forward to the day when I can once again be a stay at home wife (and hopefully mother ;), but know this is God's will for the time being.

I don't often share too many details about my life publicly, but I hope this will encourage someone who may be struggling out there.  You see, my husband and I have a great burden to reach the Deaf of Gabon, Africa with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and we would love to be there even right now.  Yet God's plan and timing are perfect, and sometimes we must simply wait and trust Him.  Sometimes, we must do things that are not necessarily in our plan, but things that are a part of His plan.  To be a missionary or pastor's wife is certainly a great honor, responsibility, and calling.  However, we cannot jump ahead of God's plan.  I would love to be on the mission field right now, discipling ladies, teaching children, helping my husband in the ministry, but I cannot get ahead of God's plan and miss the blessings of today.  Here, God is surely training me for future ministry and I must be patient and serve Him wholeheartedly in my present position.

And so I encourage you, don't get ahead of God.  Open your eyes to the opportunities around you, (lost souls are everywhere), and live your life for God today.  As you obey Him, He will open doors in His timing, and lead you in His perfect will.  Give up your desires, your goals, and ambitions, and say, "Here am I, Lord, send me. Wherever You lead, I'll follow."  Lastly, as you follow God and experience His blessing, be sure to give Him ALL the glory.  We take the time to bring our requests for help and guidance to God, but how often do we then take the credit for things accomplished, instead of giving it to the One who allowed us to accomplish the tasks.

"Because He is, I am; because He will, I can;
All my hope is standing on His promises;
Because He gave, I give; because He died, I live;
I am, I am, because He is."

*If you have any prayer requests you would like to share, I would love to pray for you!!

Because of Him,

Thursday, June 21, 2012

How to be a Victorious Christian

It has been very busy in my life lately, and I haven't had much time to blog.  Last week, we had revival meetings at Tabernacle Baptist Church, and it was a blessing to hear Bro. John VanGelderen preach God's Word.

He preached 3 phenomenal messages on "Life" that were for me, life-changing.  If you have the time, I would strongly encourage you to follow this link to the church website and listen to the messages.  The first one is "The Christ Life", followed by "The Overcoming Life", and ending with "The Overflowing Life."  Allow God to speak to your heart through these messages and live a victorious Christian life through Christ!!

Revival Messages

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Good Afternoon, blogger friends!!  I had the privilege of hearing this preacher when I went on a missions trip in 2010. Pastor David Teis is doing a great work at Liberty Baptist Church in Las Vegas, NV. This message, "Love Them Like Jesus" truly was a great blessing and challenge to me. I encourage you to listen to it, as well.

Friday, May 25, 2012

1 Year Ago Today...

One year ago today, May 25, 2011, the most wonderful man in the world asked me to marry him!!  Of course, I said "YES", and now we have been married nearly 5 months!  I love my husband so much.  God is SO good all the time!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Serving God is Worth It!

It is hard to believe that the month of April is almost over!  It is also hard to believe it's been almost a year since I graduated from college!  Last year, I wasn't even engaged yet and did not expect to be until at least the fall.  What a pleasant surprise it was when on May 25, 2011, Bruce asked me to marry him.  I was overjoyed and excited!  As the summer months began, Bruce went away to work at the Bill Rice Ranch as a Deaf Counselor.  I was working full-time at Walgreens as well as a part-time job and it was a good thing, because I missed him very much.  

In August, he returned and we continued our wedding planning.  Our original plan was to live in CT, but God had other plans.  After 3 months of searching and not finding a job, Bruce returned to his home state of PA and almost immediately got a job with the gas company.  It was amazing to watch as God then opened doors for us to live in PA.  He gave us a nice apartment at a very affordable price and also supplied about 80% of our furniture!  At the gas company, Bruce had to work 16 hour days for over 30 days straight, a very big challenge for both of us.  Not only was he extremely tired, but we were unable to talk much, which can put a strain on any relationship.  But God knew what was best, and in December, He took him off the gas drilling fields and gave him a job working in one of the gas companies supply shops.  He gave him wonderful hours; Mon-Fri. 7am-5:30pm, and all weekends off!  God helped us through the last few months of separation before our wedding on January 13, 2012.  Now we have been married 3 1/2 months already, and it has been a wonderful blessing to together grow closer to God and each other.

Currently, we are staying busy in our local church, Tabernacle Baptist Church.  The Pastor and people here are very friendly and we have been enjoying getting to know them better through the activities and ministries of the church.  My husband is quite musical and plays the trombone in the church orchestra (I didn't even know he played one until we got married)!  Lord willing, we hope to establish a deaf ministry here soon.  There is already one deaf lady who comes on Sunday mornings, and many more live out in Williamsport that can be reached.  It is our prayer to see many of these accept Christ and grow in Him.

Long-term goals:  My husband and I are both burdened for Missions, particularly with the Deaf in Gabon, Africa.  We are praying for the Lord's guidance and timing in going to this needy field.  It is not always easy to wait on God's timing, but I know that He will open the doors when He sees fit.  One door that He has opened is for us to be able to go on a survey trip next spring!!  We will be gone almost the entire month of April 2013, surveying both Gabon and parts of South Africa!  More information on that will be coming probably in June.

It is definitely exciting to be serving the King of Kings!!  What a great privilege we have to serve Him!  
"Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face; and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace."

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Song of Motivation

"Here I Am, Lord"

(This is a great song, and what an awesome privilege we have to be ambassadors for the King of Kings!)

I, the Lord, of sea and sky
I have heard my people cry
All who dwell in dark and sin
My hand will save
I who made, the stars of night,
I will make their darkness bright
Who will bear my light to them?
Whom shall I send?

I, the Lord, of snow and rain
I have borne my people's pain
I have wept for love of them
They turn away
I will break their hearts of stone
Give them hearts for love alone
I will speak my word to them
Whom shall I send?

I, the Lord, of wind and flame
I will tend the poor and lame
I will set a feast for them
My hand will save
Finest bread I will provide
Till their hearts be satisfied
I will give my life to them
Whom shall I send?

Here I am, Lord
Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night
I will go, Lord
If you lead me
I will hold your people in my heart

Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Love Story - Part 2

The ending to my love story is now posted on Rebecca's blog!  I pray that it will be a blessing and encouragement to someone.  God's way is the best way!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My "Love Story"; God's Divine Plan

The story of how God led my husband and I together will be posted on my friend Rebecca's blog in a couple of days.  Be sure to check out this link:
"The Tale of the Four Brides" are the "love stories" of me and three friends of mine.  I ask you to read them as I believe they will be an encouragement and challenge.
It is truly a blessed thing to enjoy a Godly marriage.  It is hard work, but God is good!  By following His Word and leading, marriage is the most wonderful and sacred relationship here on earth.
To God Be All the Glory...He desires it, He deserves it.  Let's give Him the praise in EVERY aspect of our lives!!

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Call of God

Every Christian should follow the call of God in their life.  God has a special plan and purpose for every human being.  Everyone is different, some feel called to be preachers, some evangelists, some missionaries, and some simply laymen.  Each one of these is special and unique.  None are better than the others, and all should have the same goal, to bring glory to the Lord.
My husband and I feel the Lord's call on our life to be missionaries to the deaf in Gabon, Africa.  Many people ask me, "Where is Gabon?  I have never heard of it before."  Honestly, when I was dating my husband and he told me about Gabon, I had no idea either.  In this blog, I'd like to share some facts about this little country that is slightly small than Colorado.
Gabon is located in Central Africa, bordering the Atlantic Ocean at the Equator, and between the Republic of the Congo and Equatorial Guinea.  The climate is very tropical, and it is always hot and humid (I love that fact).  It's capital is Libreville, a large city comparable to Miami, and also one of the most expensive cities in the world.  The country's population is estimated at around 1,600,000 and the official language is French.  It is probably the most peaceful country in Africa, with a republic government and multiparty presidential regime.
But while Christians make up 55-75% of the country, there has not been found one independent Baptist church there preaching the gospel.  Who will reach the people of Gabon?  With the Lord's help, we plan to go there, win souls to Christ, baptize, and train them.  We will endeavor to establish Gospel-preaching churches and train national pastors to eventually assume responsibility for the churches.  Our main focus will be ministering to the deaf there, but of course we will minister to the hearing as well!
In Matthew 9:37, 38, the Bible says, "Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest."  I am excited to go and serve the Lord in Gabon, and I pray that He will burden more laborers for this needy country.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Welcome to my blog!

My name is Amanda Stuart and I am a newlywed living with my husband in Williamsport, PA.  It is a beautiful area that we live in, a mix of country and city life all together in one town.  The Lord has blessed my husband and I with a great apartment and good neighbors.  Since our wedding on January 13, 2012, I have been working to put our home in order, and going through all the fun processes of changing my name.  Now, as life has started to settle into a routine for us, I have been doing a lot of thinking and felt led to set up this blog.

"To God Be All The Glory," is intended to encourage the reader and to give ALL glory to the Savior.  I feel that God is so often overlooked in our daily lives and activities.  On the Internet, many worldly things are constantly being promoted and brought up before our attention.  Sports, Entertainment, and Politics are given the spotlight.  It is my desire to use this blog to bring attention and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ, and to encourage and challenge others to do the same.